I love the excitement of an election night… The close races, the chance for power and control of our government, the hard work of running for a position being replaced by the hard work of being elected to that position. I’d stay up all night to watch the results if I could. Still, there is something fun about waking up the next day and seeing how the votes played out.
Among my life goals of learning to decorate a cake and learning to play the guitar is the notion of working on a political campaign. Oh yeah, I totally wish I was down at the Cornhusker or Brewsky’s tonight. : )

When I was a kid I loved making sheet forts. My brothers and I would stretch sheets all over the living room, pinning edges down with stacks of books, clothespins and sofa cushions. (I’m pretty certain Mom was involved in most of the secure forts that were made.) My favorite part was when I could crawl under the sheets and set up a cozy little home. I’ve been creating little nests like that my whole life… Barbie houses made out of shoeboxes, glass jars as terrariums for all sorts of outdoor critters (the spiders would often be the only living creatures left by morning), and more forts built outdoors with my brothers and neighborhood buddies.
So when we acquired a large cardboard box from the Moreheads’ front porch, it was all I could do to not overtake the small place that was meant for my daughter. During her nap I cut windows and a door, all the while telling my husband about the Boxcar children and how much I loved reading about their adventures. As an adult a boxcar sounds like a terrible place to call home, and yet as a kid, I thought it was terribly creative to store milk behind rocks in a cold creek and to set up house with found objects from the woods.
What are some of your favorite kid memories? What things did you do that you hope to repeat for your own children?

* SPOILERS. Don’t read unless you’re caught up with Season 3.
* For real, I’m gonna spoil things for you if you keep reading.
* Here goes… You’ve been warned.
1. Mr. Eko’s death. I’m fine with major characters being killed off. I liked Mr. Eko, but I’ve read differing reports on the actor himself. One report states that his parents both died last year and that he’s returning home to film a movie. Another states that he was something of a prima donna on set and wanted a short term gig anyhow. Whatever situation is true, I don’t really care. What bothers me is one of the final scenes regarding Eko’s confession. By all accounts, Eko had become a man quite learned in the Bible… He acted as a priest for some time (even traveling to Australia while in the ministry) and he knew his scripture (remember his beating stick?). So how in the world could this “minister” of the gospel confess NOTHING before his death? That whole speech about doing the best he could? Crap. Obviously the writers know nothing of the true gospel of Christ. Eko, my one hope for a character who could respresent redemption, fails in every way during his final hour. Blah.
2. I don’t like the newbies. Especially the girl. I’ll give her time to grow on me, but for pete’s sake, couldn’t they make her hair and makeup look more island-ish? Picture perfect hair, makeup and gleaming white teeth annoyed me more than a little last night.
3. I totally don’t trust Juliette. I love the actress—she’s the perfect person to play a duplicitous Other. I have hope that Jack, Kate & Sawyer will soon get away from the clutches of this crazy cult, but for now, ya can’t trust anyone. (Can you tell I take this show very seriously??)
It just doesn’t get scarier than this folks. And no, I’m not referring to Jeremy’s deliciously cheesy smile, or to the fact that I, the anti-cheerleader in high school, actually dressed my child as a cheerleader for Halloween. I make one freaking scary man, folks. In fact, I was tempted to click on Flickr’s “may offend” link because my facial hair frightened me so badly.
Kudos to Mike & Amanda on the tres cool Reformation Day/Halloween Party. Good costumes, great munchies, fun decorations—what more could you ask for?

Halloween gets more fun as Livia grows older. Our little Husker cheerleader loves candy… and ringing doorbells… and talking to people… so you can imagine how much she’s enjoyed all the festivities.
“More cany, Mama? Choc-o-late?”
My thoughts precisely. Um, after lunch, that is.
Thank you, dear friends, for your kind comments, emails and cards over the past week. Blogging about this loss, continuing on with daily activities, reading your sweet words, and knowing you’re praying for us — it all helps. Thank you.