Dear Livia,
Happy first birthday! There are so many thoughts flitting around my brain that I almost don’t know where to begin this letter. But I’ll try to record coherent thoughts anyway. A few days ago I watched some old video clips of you. When you were 2.5 months old, you were trying valiantly to lift your head. You were laying on your stomach and grunting away, as though you were an Olympic competitor in weight-lifting. Your face and body were so teeny and helpless. You had something of a crewcut for a hairstyle—short and tight on the sides and back, long on the top. You were so small, so beautiful, so YOU. And yet, I could see just a faint whisper of your personality, a personality that is so evident today.
Today you are such a full little being. You have a joyful personality, sometimes mischievous and rascally, and other times open and wholeheartedly happy. You have become a hugger, a snuggler, a head-resting-on-my-shoulder kind of girl. And though your daddy likes my hair both long and short, I’m considering leaving it long just so your sweet baby fingers can wrap themselves in my locks. You and I have developed a beautiful mother-daughter bond. I love being your chief comforter. And even though I greatly cherish my sleep at night, I still enjoy those 5:30am feedings that come up when you’re sick. They’re a special moment for just you and I, rocking in the darkness, no words, just bottle slurps, and lots of love and warmth between our two bodies. Though you’ll always be our little girl, these baby moments won’t last forever, so we enjoy what we have right now. We can tell you’re already on your way to being a toddler. Sometimes you look like such a big kid already, sitting up tall in the grocery cart or highchair at a restaurant, attempting to walk with our help or playing in the church nursery, or simply talking on and on in your baby garble.
We celebrated your first birthday party with close friends and family one week before the big day. The party turned out to be one we’ll never forget. Despite my attempts to control the barbecue—from coordinating balloon colors to organizing platters of food to decorating pink cupcakes—I could not, no matter how hard I wanted to, control the weather. Under a beautiful sunny sky we all huddled at Antelope Park in 57 degree weather. The wind cut through layers of clothing and those without warm coats were fairly miserable. And yet, to their credit, all our friends and family members stayed to celebrate YOU! The only person in attendance not celebrating you was you. And why was that? You had been drugged by your mother. Some well-meaning doctor the day before prescribed pseudoephedrine for your cold—little did I know it would snow you over during your first birthday party! Poor thing, you were so tired you could hardly hold your head upright and would cry if anyone tried to talk to you. Fortunately, on your actual birthday we were able to present you with a piece of cake and you, in true one year old fashion, smeared it all over yourself. At any rate, you had a very memorable first birthday party.
One year old. One year equals a surprising success for your daddy and me. Somehow we stumbled through masses of dirty diapers, untold numbers of bottles and formula canisters, more zerberts and tickles than we can count. In the past few days you’ve been learned to drink milk from a sippy cup—and boy are we proud! We can’t wait to see what this next year holds. We love you soooo much, Livia Raine. What a blessing you are.
Much love,
Mama and Daddy
**The pink blanket photo was taken by “Uncle” Jason during your birthday party. The smiley face pic was snapped by “Auntie” Renae the day before you turned one. Thanks, friends, for sharing these pictures!