Arthritis Update and Prayer

Posted on Mar 30, 2005 at 10:26 AM in Uncategorized

You know how you never notice when your body is feeling good, or even just feeling normal, and then when something goes wrong it’s all you *can* notice? Well, that’s my life in the past two days. My joints have been doing fabulously in the past several months. I’ve been able to walk normally and do all my everyday activities without pain. I completely weaned off the prednisone several weeks ago with minimal aches and pains — praise the Lord! Yesterday morning I woke up with some swelling in my right foot. It’s a reminder of how good things have been recently… and how much I’ve enjoyed feeling good again. The physical pain is no fun whatsoever, but the psychological pressure if even more overwhelming. I’m pretty scared of my body flaring up again and having to experience all I went through a year ago. If you think of me, please pray that God, the Creator and Healer, would heal my foot today — and that I would trust in the Lord’s future goodness and grace, as it will never fail. Thanks, friends.


  1. dena Mar 30, 2005 11:22 PM

    I’m praying for you today, RT… thanks, as always, for sharing your trials and thoughts.

  2. RT Mar 31, 2005 11:37 AM

    Public note to self: ALWAYS let your mom know you’re in pain prior to blogging it.

  3. Bryonie Mar 31, 2005 12:14 PM

    Rebecca, I know what you mean about how you never notice you’re HEALTHY! Why is that? I guess we’re just not meant to dwell on ourselves but on LIFE. I’m so sorry it’s back to this for you–will pray for a swift end…!

  4. RT Apr 1, 2005 10:49 AM

    Thanks to everyone who prayed for the foot. Yesterday the nurse at the rheumatologist’s offfice told me to elevate it as much as possible (she knew this might be tough as Livia was hollering loudly in the background) and also to use heat/cold to alleviate the swelling. So far so good. It feels a lot better. Can’t tell you all how grateful I am for your prayers and cheery encouragement.

  5. Sarah B. Apr 4, 2005 3:18 PM

    Hey Rebecca!

    So sad to hear about your brief flare-up, and I hope that “brief” is still an adjective you can use today in regards to any pain, since I’m writing this comment a little while after your original blog. Let me know how you’re doing! Can’t believe livia will be 1 in a month. If you e-mail, however, I may not be able to respond for a while because of our home computer probs. And P.S., don’t feel any pressure from me to respond ASAP…I know what it’s like to be a mom and feel that pressure and that nagging voice in your head…just whenever is convinient for you. Love you!

  6. RT Apr 5, 2005 10:07 AM

    Hey friend! We must chat soon… Email and snail mail can only work so far. : ) I’ll see if I can snag some free cell minutes from the ‘rents for a decent phone call. Love you too!

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