You know those thoughts you have, the “I would NEVER…” statements? Well, I’m realizing a few I had Before Livia (B.L.) that are now being turned on their heads.
#1. “Our living room will NEVER look trashed and crowded with tons of plastic toys.”
Truth. Our living room looks trashed and crowded with tons of plastic toys. I have made some attempt to blame this mess on the fact that we have an old home with absolutely no first floor storage and that our living room is actually quite small. But the truth, oh the truth, is that we own a lot of STUFF for Livia. Bright, colorful plastic stuff to lay under, to sit on, to shake, rattle and roll, you name it. So now I’m eating my words and asking guests to please ignore the mess as their knees bump the exersaucer and they trip over plastic rings and rattles thrown passionately by Livia’s strong right arm. One misconception all cleared up; onto #2.
#2. “Because I prepare Livia’s baby formula in advance, I will NEVER be hurriedly fixing a bottle for a screaming child.”
Last night, approx. 9:20pm. The location: first floor of the Tredway home. Cue sound: baby screaming (and I mean really screaming). Dad has given up comforting screaming baby as screaming baby seems particularly unable to be comforted. Mom is winning Olympic Gold for Fastest Washing Technique Ever Used for a Baby’s Bottle and thinking back to the time when a day’s worth of bottles were all neatly lined up on the refrigerator awaiting feeding time. Dang. Idea #2? Also a huge false belief.
The moral of this story is to never say never. “When I graduate with a degree I will NEVER work as a waitress or a secretary.” “When I get married I will NEVER go to bed angry with my husband.” “When I have children I will NEVER let their noses get all snotty and crusty with boogers.” Hmmm… Just never say never.
Jeannette Oct 19, 2004 12:11 AM
My kitchen sink is ALWAYS clean and ALL the dishes are washed when I go to bed at night.
(enter sarcastic tone that doesn’t come across in the written medium as I belabor my “never”–love the real-life Tredway stories. :D )
kara Oct 19, 2004 8:09 PM
my daughter’s nose has been a little crusty for about a week now – there seems to be no end to the snot.
i used that NEVER before as well…
RT Oct 20, 2004 9:07 AM
Dirty dishes in sink? Check. Crusty snot? Check.
I just realized my biggest false belief of parenthood yesterday. I had SWORN I would use cloth diapers because, despite arguments to the contrary, they seemed much more environmentally friendly. (I was going to use a service, not do them myself.) With much regreat I admit I’m wholeheartedly endorsing disposable. Sigh.
kristen Oct 20, 2004 1:14 PM
Yeah… I have those experiences regularly. Particularly about having a cleanly house when I stayed at home. Hah!