Photo of the Day

Posted on Sep 14, 2004 at 9:57 AM in Livia


  1. karen Sep 14, 2004 10:43 AM

    I think that’s actually too cute, Rebecca.

    I’d love to follow you through a day to watch you take all these pictures and try to capture all the extremely cute Livia moments.

  2. bethany Sep 14, 2004 10:54 AM

    Altogether now…. “awwwww!”

    I love how in all these photos Livia always looks so chilled out and mellow. :)

  3. Rebecca Sep 14, 2004 10:57 AM

    This one involved major crouching and slight knee torture on the hardwood floors. I have to focus intensely to take a straight shot — most of my pics end up cockeyed. : /

    I was considering taking Livia to Walmart for studio photos. But nah… My digital works just fine!

  4. Rebecca Sep 14, 2004 11:00 AM

    Maybe Jeremy will comment on how “mellow” his darling daughter was last night! She is normally a really laid-back kid but every so often “Baby Beast” comes out (Run for your lives!!). Fortunately I was at Bible study when the Jeykll/Hyde transformation took place.

  5. andrew Sep 14, 2004 12:08 PM

    again, i’m not gonna believe she has a bad side until you put the pictures up!

  6. bobw Sep 14, 2004 4:09 PM

    the wally world studio got a hold of us for the 1 monthers.

    I figured we’d just do the $5.88 “advertised special” but he’s just too cute in the other 6 poses. $50 later, we’ve got posterity to go along with the hundreds of digicam shots.

    but I cant say it’s not worth it, at least this time.

    oh yeah: super cute kid!

  7. sarah Sep 14, 2004 5:13 PM

    i grinned when i saw this, rebecca. i love livia’s little expressions…they’re wonderful! she is beautiful.

  8. Jacinda Sep 15, 2004 1:02 PM

    Don’t get tricked into going to the Wal-Mart photo studio! Your pictures are far more beautiful than what you could end up with from them. We did Wal-Mart once, at three months. Ever since then, we go to JCPenney’s portrait studios–the pictures are better quality and affordable. Since I’m also a digital camera nut, though, we only do that once a year.

  9. Rebecca Sep 15, 2004 2:32 PM

    I’ve heard good and bad things about both WalMart and Penney’s, but thanks for the compliment on my pictures! I would really love to get some studio photos (from a professional photographer) taken when Livia is around 6 months old — some with Jeremy and me as well. Hmmm… wonder if the folks (two sets!) would pitch in with some early Christmas dough. How ’bout it, Dad? : )

  10. mrscrumley Sep 15, 2004 2:49 PM

    What a pretty little model! She looks so calm and content. (Signs of terrific parents.)

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