Going ‘Round

Posted on May 1, 2003 at 9:24 AM in Uncategorized

Something occurs to me to be a bit ironic every time i enter a particular roundabout in south Lincoln that is situated between the new YMCA center and the new public library… A roundabout gives you options and this one lets you choose, on one side the library — books, knowledge, cafe mochas, internet connection, dewey decimal system — and on the other, the YMCA — exercise, fitness, spinning classes and muscled men, cute workout clothes and primo locker rooms. Is this a bit ironic to anyone else? It seems to me to be a very obvious division between the physically fit and the bookworms of Lincoln, Nebraska! In fact, everytime I veer off to the right (the library) I simultaneously feel guilty for only seeing the interior of the Y once and irritated with my jealousy of all the people I imagine who are only interested in the shape of their beautifully toned bodies.


It’s the roundabout’s fault!

Ironically, too — the people who are truly well-rounded (grab the pun) have experienced both sides of the roundabout. I can only think of one person I know who exists in both “worlds.” It’s probably true that usually one chooses either the library or the YMCA. Ah, the roundabout.


  1. bethany May 1, 2003 12:04 PM

    i’ll take the library any day. i would’ve thought you’d go to bennet martin…is the south one closer?

    i’m going to TRY to inhabit both worlds this summer…we’ll see how that goes. i haven’t gained the freshman 15 yet (only about 5 i think), but my freshman year is technically only halfway over…i’m sure it’ll be worse once i move into the dorms.

  2. lindsay May 1, 2003 2:54 PM

    i suppose i am one of those rare “double worldly sorts.”
    to an extent, at least. I think I inhabit the library about as much as I work out at the ymca, which, now that i think of it, isn’t saying too much.
    i don’t like libraries, because i don’t like used, grimy books; and i’m often too lazy/busy to work out.
    there you have it.

  3. rebecca May 1, 2003 6:30 PM

    bennet martin kinda freaks me out when i’m by myself. plus jeremy works really close to walt, and we share a vehicle so i’m down there a lot.

    lindsay’s a book snob, lindsay’s a book snob [in singsongy voice]. they’re not grimy, linds — they’re more LOVED. : )

  4. rebecca May 1, 2003 6:32 PM

    i’ve got three words of advice for you, b… AVOID FAST FOOD. this from the girl who’s ’15’ came from micky d’s, arby’s, amigos, you name it and not the dorms.

  5. bethany May 1, 2003 6:57 PM

    good advice, rebecca. it’s so convenient, though! hehe. i guess i’ve actually gained 10 if you factor in that i lost 5 in my two weeks at calvin. but let’s not think of it that way ;)

    ok. definitely working out this summer. hold me to my word, people! (not like last summer when lindsay didn’t make me do crunches like i said i would ;) )

  6. lindsay May 2, 2003 9:34 AM

    okay bet, this summer we’ll do ab crunches, and we’ll keep each other accountable.
    (then there can be no more interesting incidents while watching “You’ve Got Mail”—“check this out, guys!” )

  7. lindsay May 2, 2003 9:35 AM

    also—i don’t understand, rebecca, how you can like old smelly books that for all we know could have been vomited on.

  8. sarah May 2, 2003 4:06 PM

    behold lindsay,…the girl who refuses to touch the covers on the hymnals at church for fear that they may be contaminated or “vomited on”.

  9. lindsay May 2, 2003 6:53 PM

    for all i know, some two-year old could be wiping his snot on it!

  10. rebecca May 2, 2003 8:49 PM

    i sure hope you don’t let strider “kiss” your face, lindsay… you’d then have to admit your double-standard in germ-phobia. ; )

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