* Friday night saw the addition of the newest Tredway to our household. (In order to do this properly, I’ll add photos later.) I would like to introduce the world to: Betta “Goldfish” Tredway. He’s blue, has fins, and lives in a water-filled glass bowl. What’s not to love? Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa, Livia’s passion is now a reality.
* By Saturday morning the main floor of my house was sparkly clean and filled with a bevy of lovely women, and a few good men, celebrating the impending arrival of Baby Girl Lawton. Kristin’s belly is growing delightfully and we’re all eagerly awaiting the day we get to hold this child in our arms. I can’t quite find the words to express how thrilled I am to become an aunt for the first time… Suffice to say I feel duty-bound to purchase every cute pink item I see for sale. Isn’t that what an aunt’s supposed to do?
* After a busy weekend (which also contained Miami Vice and a great martini bridal shower, separately of course), Sunday worship at Zion was food for my hungry soul. For the first time in a long while, we attended the late service and I found the music to be incredibly worshipful. What I both like and dislike about the late service is that it’s very well-attended. The sheer mass of voices made chorus and hymn singing feel like we were blowing the roof off with praises to the Eternal King — it filled my heart with joy at a time where I felt somewhat lacking in the joy category. I want to throw out a big bloggy thank you to Karen Choi who continuously labors to lead and make music at Zion. Thanks, Karen. You do a wonderful job week in, week out, and we all appreciate you.
* Finally, sweetly, delightfully, a Sunday evening walk through the neighborhood. Anyone else LOVING the lightweight August temps we’re experiencing in Lincoln? A little downtime with Jeremy, Livia and a few pb&j’s wrapped up the weekend in a very peaceful kind of way.