Category Archive: Livia
Pop Quiz Friday
Jeremy and I stumbled upon a strange sight in our kitchen after putting Liv to bed. So we put you, dear readers, to the test. Livia will be the judge.
Is Baby Elmo:
a. looking for something?
b. taking a nap?
c. deeply regretting last night’s bender?
d. none of the above
The Blurry Years
I snapped about 20 million photos this morning and thought I had a non-blurry one here. Wrong. Toddlers are busy people… Standing still (“like a statue!” as I always plead with Liv) is seemingly impossible when there’s all sorts of cool activities out there like beating your face with your pigtails and jumping like a frog.
The Different Lands of the Trediverse
In Livialand, standing under the dripping eaves, bathing in the frigid snow runoff, is fun. In Mommyland, it’s not.
In Livialand, smooshing your toes against Mommy’s chin during a diaper change is fun. In Mommyland, it’s not.
In Livialand, twirling like a ballerina while Mom’s trying to remove your shirt? Yup, it’s fun. In Mommyland? Totally. not. fun.
At this moment, in Mommyland, fun equals a toddler tucked in bed at naptime, a Heath bar counting it’s last moments on earth, and a bloggy internet full of good readin’.
Who has known the mind of toddler? Who can discern its ways? When Sesame Street is over, when the hardwood floors are bitterly cold, why does the two year old remove her slippers and socks? And when it comes to places to sit, places to ponder deep thoughts, why does the wee one deposit herself under the sink? Adult minds will never know. They will simply observe. And take pictures.
Livia-isms: Heartbreaker Edition
The other day I cracked open one of Livia’s Christmas presents and began at the beginning with the story of Creation. After storytime we called Jeremy (who was completing a freelance project) and Liv related what she had learned: that God created the first man and first woman, Adam and Kristin. By the next phone call, this time to Papa, the names had changed. Adam and Evil.
I picked up an especially lovey-dovey Livia from Nana’s house this afternoon. Man, it’s great to be greeted by a toddler who says, in her own special toddler drawl: I mi-issed you, Mom. The utter melting of my heart left a puddle on the floor.
Earlier today I deviated from our normal route home in order to pick up a breakfast sandwich from Burger King. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot Livia started clapping. Wondering if my daughter had finally picked up on my affinity for eating-out I asked, “Why are you clapping?”
“Because I’m happy,” Liv replied.
“Why are you happy?”
“Because Jesus loves me.”
Right in the heart, people. She gets me every time.
Snow Play
Wow, big break from blogging there, huh? What can I say… It was a brief hiatus.
Note: No child was harmed or neglected in any fashion in the following photo opportunity. The featured child has become quite dramatic in recent days. Such drama needed to be captured in film for posterity.
December 23
When a gift tag becomes something really special…
This is Livia’s 3rd Christmas, but it’s the first time she is able to understand (partially at least) the meanings and traditions related to the day. BabyJesuswasbornonChristmasDay! she says at least ten times a day. And despite knowing that presents are opened on Christmas Day, she got a bit itchy and tore into one yesterday while I was on the phone, preoccupied with a conversation. Overall she’s been very patient waiting both for Baby Jesus to be born and for presents to be opened. Jeremy and I plan on a few tears Christmas Day when Liv can’t actually pat and hold this Baby Jesus she’s been waiting for. I’m hoping our little Advent calendar and a birthday cake will help my sweet two and a half year old understand the holiday.
A gift tag becomes really special when you think about the present, buy it, store it away for weeks or even months, pull it out and wrap it… and give it to your small child. Merry Christmas to Livia, child of mine with fresh eyes. I love you more each day.