This is Shiloh Roosevelt Tredway.
He is my favorite dog in the entire universe and he’s utterly bewildered why I 1) made him put on his collar and did not actually take him somewhere and 2) made him sit on the dining room chair when he’s not allowed on the furniture.
Despite his confusion and my insistence that I’m not a good pet photographer, we came up with this precious shot. Shiloh is sporting his Christmas present, a Ruff Rambler bandana (made by Lincoln locals and friends Bryce and Karen!), and I’m only now wishing I had moved his tags to a different spot. Turns out that keeping my model on the chair and focused on the treat in one hand while my other hand shot the picture was not an easy feat. I have no clue how Bryce and Karen are getting such beautiful shots, but I suspect there are a gazillion images in the trash bin, too.
Shiloh is our 11 year old Coton de Tulear and he’s a small, faithful, spirited little shadow that I have come to completely rely on for comfort and companionship. He’s a good dog brother to his human sister and he is a perpetual barking thorn in his master’s side because he thinks he must protect the missus of the house. He sleeps in the cutest positions ever, has never met a dog he doesn’t love, and will wait on the front porch to be let back in if his owners forget they let him out. His middle name is Roosevelt because Liv and I say so.
We love you, sweet Pooch-a-woochers.