It’s nice to get in the frame sometimes, right?
Here I am, posing just after I finished my coffee and reading time. Working my way through a cute and easy-to-read story about a group of quilters and through Huckleberry Finn with Liv (and while I’m at it, could Mark Twain squeeze more words in there? I think not!). Automatic timer all set up. I used a globe as a stand-in for my head to get the focus right.
And then my knee connected with the bench I’m on in the most unfortunate of ways. Look, I have a decently high pain tolerance, so I’m still confused as to what special situation happened. But I whacked my knee on the bench and thought I was going to pass out. It was nuts! I was sure I was headed for surgery for decapitating my kneecap! Jeremy came to my rescue. Liv asked after me quickly. And lo and behold, I don’t even have a bruise to show for it. Just a lump. And I can still walk. No surgery needed. But oh my goodness, it was really exciting for a little while. Want to see the pic? SO MUCH DRAMA.