December Photo Project, day four.
My mom is such a good sport! And she’s so pretty, too. I was dropping all my crafty items on the floor in a rush to whip out my camera while she was walking towards me at JoAnn’s Fabrics today. And then the cashier commented on my activity, so really, I was the opposite of discreet. But I snapped one shot and I love it. DPP on a sunny Friday. Check and check.

December Photo Project, day three.
I ran to grab my camera and she ran to grab a prop, her almost-four-year-old son. I don’t know that I’ll have any friends left after this month of covert and not-so-covert portraits. ;)
I am pushing myself to shoot people this month. So far I’ve forgotten to take my camera with me and I’ve forgotten to ask someone for a shot when they came to my door. I ended up at Maralee’s doorstep today for a brief moment and, voila!, I had my moment. Good thing Maralee never leaves the house. When I run by and she’s not there I assume great tragedy has befallen her. Good thing for the DPP that I *do* leave the house as it’ll give me ample opportunity to fulfill my own challenge of photographing human beings over the next 21 days…

December Photo Project, day two.
I wonder how many times the HONY photographer gets told no? A lot, I bet!
Rebecca B. didn’t tell me no this morning because I didn’t ask her. And yes, I realize how annoying that is to have someone point their camera at you. I totally took advantage of her and I am 100% happy I did so. (She’ll forgive me—just look at her joyful face.) I couldn’t resist the light flowing in through one basement window, the way it washed right over Rebecca as she stood patiently making coffee for our women’s bible study at Redeemer. I love the grittiness of the scene around her. Something in me greatly delights in capturing life as it is, not being afraid of some peeling paint or exposed ductwork.
Thanks in advance to my name-twin for letting me post this (even though I didn’t ask). I hope you see here what we, your friends and admirers, see in you: a beautiful, open, friendly and generous heart.

Homework is always done with a smile around here.
Wait a minute. Not really. BUT TODAY IT WAS. Praise Jesus.
Day 1 of the December Photo Project is for all of you who have prayed with me over my child and prayed for my parenting. We all need people who care about our kids, and I’m so grateful of the people in our lives who love this amazing kid of mine.
For all you moms and dads who fight over homework, I wish for you days where smiles prevail. For all you teachers who hand out the homework, thanks for persevering—and also, thank you for homework-less weekends. And for all you students who work hard both during and after school—especially those of you who struggle with academics—know that we see your awesome selves and we’re proud of you.