Face Canvas

Posted on Jan 2, 2014 at 8:55 PM in Livia, Parenting


I’ve long said Livia reminds me of Jackson Pollack because she’d roll in paint if she could. The physical connection of paint and canvas makes her very very happy.

Our holiday break has been, well, luxuriously quiet and slow. Translation: things are getting boring around here. When Livia asked to do face paints tonight I let her. You can see the results. Some of the paint is so thick she can’t open an eyelid all the way.

Liv wants me to ask blog readers a question: What am I? (I think we played this guessing game once before and she was entertained by it. Have at it!)

Final note. After finding face paint on the floor, walls, several light switches and at least five pieces of clothing and/or towels, Livia’s mean parents have banned the substance from the house for a time. Whew.


  1. Bethany Jan 2, 2014 9:09 PM

    Darth Maul?

  2. Renae Jan 3, 2014 7:39 AM


  3. Rebecca Jan 3, 2014 9:05 PM

    Darth Maul of the jungle. A tiger.

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