The future veterinarian at work—this kid is LEGIT. The moppet on her lap is Shiloh, our Coton de Tulear, and as you can tell if you have two eyes, he very obviously needs a little grooming. Excuse his open mouth, he’s mid-yawn.
We’ve had a delightful and busy weekend, a very festive one if I do say so myself. I took Livia to The Nutcracker yesterday at the Lied Center and we had a wonderful time together. I’m still gushing over it. Then Jeremy and I enjoyed our church Christmas party last night and I’m still laughing over that. We also had a young guest in our home this weekend for respite care. We’ve had this little guy over once before and thoroughly enjoy him. He and Livia play beautifully together. What I’m getting to is the fact that I left my camera at home when we left for church this evening. I had the prime opportunity for cute kid shots as we were helping with Children’s Church, but oh well! We got home late and I was all prepped to walk around the house trying to get creative with shots when—BAM!—I remembered I had taken some pics of Livia today. At her encouragement, I might add.
Whew! Saved.
Day 15 of the December Photo Project. Done.

One shot from today’s photo shoot. Miss Elsie is a cutie!

When you’re nine years old and you’ve had a long day of working hard, it’s nice to snuggle with your Nana while you wait for dinner.
Sometimes I just want to bottle up Age Nine and savor it forever because these years seem to be moving by faster and faster. Ten is right around the corner—it’s a big deal because it uses up ALL fingers on BOTH hands. Double digits.
Today she is nine. And cuddly still. And I love her to the moon and back… so does her Nana.

Dairy Queen features a candy cane blizzard in December, so after today’s work was done Livia and I went out for ice cream. We found what we were looking for, right before the dinner hour actually. Dinner tonight will come later, after all that sugar and milk has absorbed into our systems.
With ice cream in hand we went searching for something to photograph. This “we” was really a me scenario; Liv was a captive audience, literally strapped into her seatbelt while I drove all over kingdom come.
I chased after a setting sun in attempts to perhaps catch its rays through a wreath in a parking lot. After that I drove further, capturing the shot that wins for today’s image. Then we slowly made our way home, stopping in a small cemetery to grab a few more shots. (This is where Liv questioned me, “Are we allowed to drive in here?” and then, “When are we going to be home?” Oh the sad life of a photographer’s child.)
My hunt for something deemed photo-worthy is one story out of a few hundred stories in the December Photo Project. The more I hear from you, the more I know that we’re all doing the same thing, for 25 days straight in December—we’re looking for something beautiful or something noteworthy, something worth using up one of our 25 days.
So where did you stop and shoot today? What risks are you taking? What’s your favorite subject and what draws you to it time and time again?

This little guy is the cutest, isn’t he? His mama is a good friend of mine and I saw them both at bible study this morning. We have a ridiculous number of absolutely charming little boys at church. I feel kinda lucky to be able to capture his sweet face for the December Photo Project.

I pulled my little Canon from my purse today and was ready to photograph a soup lunch out in public when I realized the battery had died. Oh well!
This image, a very December-y one if I do say so myself, will suffice. Snowflakes a la Jeannette, my college friend who had halls full of girls making beautiful things back in the day. I think of Jeannette with a smile every time Livia and I make these familiar folds and cuts.

I present to you the beautiful Emily Lovelace in the doorway of Sebastian’s Table in downtown Lincoln. At this point of the day we were very merry indeed after a lunch of stuffed peppers, seared scallops and sangria. I needed a solid nap afterwards but settled for some coffee instead.
Perfect way to make a Monday delightful? Lunch with a friend.

Exactly how committed am I to my challenge-within-a-challenge? Um yeah, only kind of committed apparently!
It is COLD outside, friends. Ridiculously cold. Last night Jeremy and I briskly walked the three blocks from a downtown parking garage to the movie theater and I almost died. Our car used it’s magical powers to tell us it was 1 degree outside, which meant the windchill was something heinous.
That’s my sob story and that’s my explanation for why today’s image was taken in my warm basement. Livia’s been dying to do crafts, so we cut paper into snowflakes, colored them when desired, and watched the Grinch on tv.
Oh the weather outside is frightful…

Lobster bisque at the Green Gateau
Tiramisu cake made by my parents(!)
A 36 year old
Matching legs
Dinner with my husband at Blue Orchid
Thanks to everyone who has sent birthday loves and wishes my direction today! I am so grateful for you all. xoxoxo