Today marks the day we became a family nine years ago! Happy Livia Day to our little girl who was first placed in our arms by a loving birthmother and birth grandmother. We are incredibly thankful for their love and grace towards our family, just as we’re incredibly grateful that God orchestrated Liv’s entire adoption.
We love you, Livia!!!
The Moreheads moved from The Grand last month. I had a lot of nostalgia as I photographed the scene and recalled all the years of living next door. I took one last moment on the front porch steps where we spent countless hours watching park activity (“It’s not rubber-necking if you’re on your front porch”) and surveying our little ones as they played. But it was hard to be sad—afterall we left the neighborhood a year ago and now my friends were moving to a house that better served their growing family’s needs.
Congrats on the new home, Jason and Renae! May you make many wonderful memories in this new space.

My adorable nephew Noah turns four. Love him.

It occurred to me, halfway into my mowing activities, that this situation was perfect for an iPod and some really loud music. Alas, it was me, the roaring lawnmower, a summer breeze and my thoughts. I started off cursing the suburbs where people treat lawn care like it’s the Best Hobby Ever or maybe a contest that needs winning. We’ve gone from redeeming an old lawn that a curmudgeonly owner completely wrecked with RV motor oil to being what we lovingly refer to as The Squatleys—you know, that family on your block that never mows their lawn and leaves crap out all the time.
I suppose now is as good a time as any to issue a public apology. To my husband. Here goes:
Jeremy Tredway, I apologize for ever looking seriously at acreages and imagining we’d move into one. I know, more than once, you asked who would mow the acres of property and I, more than once, spritely suggested YOU. I was foolish. Forgive me.
We have a nice-sized lawn now, but it is in no way incredibly large. And it’s certainly not an acreage. We back up to a commons and a city bike path—and apparently we and our neighbors mow part of the commons ourself. Isn’t that sweet? It seems like a nice thing to do until you get a little hot and have green grass clippings stuck between your toes and sweat is starting to drip in some very uncomfortable places. As I started to judge my suburban neighbors a little less and started to get a bit cranky and still was listening to the loud mower engine and no lively tunes, I asked myself, what in the world was my problem? Is this job too hard? No. I am too tired to do it? No. Is it the endless lines of back and forth without any creative loops around garden patches to break up the monotony? Yes. Problem solved. Apparently lawn-mowing is not my calling.
But I love being outside. I love the hot sun on my shoulders and the intimacy that comes with spending time in every nook and cranny of my yard. Dreams for future gardens start to emerge. Plans to mess up this beautiful but park-like space take root. I get excited for the point when we’ll make our mark in the suburbs. So hooray for the monotony of mowing and yay for the chance to let thoughts swirl away from the lure of digital clutter. I have strong (enough) arms for pushing a lawnmower and healthy legs and feet for walking. We are owners of a small piece of land and we live in a beautiful part of a lovely city. This is enough for today.
I can celebrate life, even while wiping sweat from my brow. Or perhaps, especially while wiping sweat from my brow.

It seems ridiculous how much I love things like doughnuts, cookies and cake. I have diabetes for crying out loud!
For the record, I can totally eat sweets even though I have diabetes. Having Type 1 means I need to give a proportionate amount of insulin for the carbohydrates I consume. I cannot make my diabetes go away by eating less sugar. Consider yourself informed.
So… I do love a good doughnut. I told Jeremy I have plans to make a drive to Krispy Kreme in Omaha just for the heck of it. However, that’ll have to wait as I’m going to clear my system of baked goods for a time as I go gluten-free. I’ve done this once before—for a 30 days stint—and it’s time to go for it again. We’re choosing healthier options in the Tredway household this summer. Yay for us!
If you have a gluten-free product you really love, share it in the comments section.

Another post is up at Her View From Home. Photography by yours truly, column by the fabulous Maralee Bradley.
Forgive the terrible pun in the title, but really, it works for me tonight. It’s kinda true—bread does seem to be Josh’s love language—and it’s all I’ve got after a long and delightful Sunday.
Speaking of bread, here’s one of my all-time favorites: Honey Whole Wheat Bread. I haven’t made it in forever, but my mouth is watering just thinking about it.