Remember that one time where I posted an image and said I’d post more in the “next” post? Ahem. Right. So here I am, pretty much two months later and I’m finally posting more shots from the Kluvers photo shoot on January 1. However, you must forgive the lateness, not on my behalf but because the Kluvers are just that fun and great a family that I can’t help but smile when I look at them.
Without further ado, here’s Kyree of The Many Faces, Jenni, Kirk, and Murphy the Adorable.

Some people call it “Gotcha Day”, but we call June 26 “Livia Day.” We became a family of three on June 26, 2004, when one Livia Raine Melissa Tredway was given to us. It was a crazy and beautiful and absolutely remarkable time and we love to celebrate the memory of it. Today is a day of thanksgiving and praise to the God who made us and brought us together.
Photo: Livia on crazy hair day at Camp Sonshine last week.

With miniature Drumsticks in hand, Livia and I wander the teeny creek behind our house. We admire the trees growing almost sideways from the wet soil and wonder where to put our feet so we don’t sink into the water. We lick the chocolate ice cream and crunch the cones down to nothing in the late evening light.

My brain is gradually readjusting to the new house and the new season. I have traded the luxury of quiet mornings—journaling, bible reading, book reading, blog reading—with the luxury of summertime parenting. I’m sure I have thoughts to share, but honestly, right now I don’t know what those would be. And if I started considering something of consequence to say (maybe in a journal, maybe here) I’d hear a young voice calling out for me.
I kid you not, just as I was composing that last sentence I heard, “Can I have an ice cream, Mom?”
I am blessed beyond belief. We’ve had lots of transitional moments with Livia lately (that’s code for full-on crying fits, sometimes in public locations). Though Jeremy and I are far from perfect and aren’t always the patient parents we’d like to be, at the end of the day we understand how incredibly blessed we are.
So in the newness, as my brain does some adjusting, I am grateful to witness God’s goodness and faithfulness to us. We are humbled by His gifts.

Hey kids, want to get in the truck?
Sure you can climb up there!
Yep, you can run around, too.
No, you CAN’T ride in here while it’s moving.
Okay. Time to get out.
Now. 1-2-3-4. Get out. Jump down. Now.
No, you can’t get back in. I’m shutting the door.