One of the fun aspects of being a children’s and family photographer is that I have to be quick on my feet. Little ones don’t stay still for long, for example. But on the day of the Steiner/Smith shoot it was my location that had to change in an instant. A race (marathon perhaps?) was taking place where we had planned on shooting this extended family of six adults and six small children, so we quickly relocated… and, as it turns out, I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.
The following shots are some of my favorites from our time together a few weeks ago. The cute kid factor here is very high!

I remember walking into Mike and Amanda’s living room just in time to see their second-born, Elsie, take her first steps. Suffice to say, it was a privilege to capture this family in photos after I’ve seen their kiddos grow over the years. Mike and Amanda are a lot of fun—their wit and joy for life is matched only by their great love for their family. Peter, Elsie, Tess and baby Clara are seemingly pint-sized versions of their folks and we had an awesome time running around the arboretum and climbing trees. Thanks for a great shoot, Wittmanns! I love you guys.

I’m munching on a piece of Kristin’s a-mazing apple pie (homemade crust, mmmm so good!) and listening to the dialogue of Aang and Katara regarding fire-bending and whatnot in the background. I feel wired for the next task—Christmas tree decorating—but I might be the only Tredway up for that at this point in the evening. Liv is crashed on the couch and Jeremy’s eating leftovers next to her. I think they’re on season two of Avatar.
Between making sweet potato souffle and corn casserole yesterday, Livia and I braved the freezing winds outdoors to find sticks for a gratitude tree—thanks, Leigh, for the idea! While Livia worked on another craft, I made leaves and marked them with names of beloved family members we are so grateful for. The tree became the centerpiece for a very Fiestaware Thanksgiving table. Fun!
I am also grateful today for my neighbor Heidi who willingly put her nurse skills to work this morning when I called for her help. Jeremy whacked the crud out of his forehead and produced a wound that bled all over the place before we could grab a towel. We’re talking majorly painful owie here. A little medicinal glue did the trick and stitches weren’t needed. I’m grateful the cut wasn’t more severe, but still—yowza.
Folks, a lot of us are intensely and, really, undeservedly blessed. Let this Thanksgiving Day be the starting point for a Christmas season that is filled to the brim with generosity.

My Christmas spirit has come early this year. I don’t understand it in the slightest. I’ve always been one of those people who are slightly Scroogey before Thanksgiving, one of those who shakes her head at Christmas tunes on the radio before the pumpkin pie comes out of the oven on turkey day thinking, that just ain’t right. But this year is different.
I have a small tree up in the house. Granted, it’s getting returned to the store (too small), but I admit I like having it up. Liv opened up a box of candy canes from Nana and Papa and has already swirled one into a steaming mug of hot chocolate. I’ve already purchased several Christmas gifts and can’t wait to get the rest. And tonight as Livia’s final bedtime song (where normally I sing the shortest song I can recall), I sang O Holy Night with fervor and as much grace as I could muster. It was long, it was earnest, and I hope my audience of one enjoyed it.
December is such a joyful month for me; I’m glad it’s come a bit early in 2010.

Friends! Bloggers! People who like to snap photos! Come one, come all to join the 2010 edition of the December Photo Project.
The DPP is back.
Read about the project on the December Photo Project page, then sign up here. Yeehaw!
**Note: I’ll leave this post at the top of this page until December 1. So continue to scroll down for new content. Got it? Excellent.
Rock City has a firm place in my own personal memory lane. I visited Lookout Mountain many times as a kid because my folks attended Covenant College (aka the Castle in the Clouds) and my Uncle Steve and Aunt Cathy lived there. Rock City was one of those special spots you wanted to see, a unique mountaintop garden with twisting paths, rocks galore, gorgeous vistas and a cave full of fairyland treasures. Of course, I couldn’t wait to take Livia down memory lane with me on our recent trip.
First we hit the fairly new Starbucks across the street, and then we were off on the cobblestone trails.

Andrew and Liv crossed the swinging bridge ahead of me while I stayed behind to, uh, you know, take pictures. What I was really doing was ensuring I could cross at my own pace without Andrew rocking the bridge. Me = super mega pansy when it comes to heights. Knees-knocking, the whole ordeal. Before I began my sophomore year at Covenant, I used to dream about falling off the mountain. Nice, huh?

Livia, however, has no fear of heights and now knows how to make Mommy look like a crazy lady. All it takes is walking near the railing. Suffice to say, I asked Uncle Andrew to take her hand a lot.

I remember wondering, in all childish innocence, if Uncle Steve would make it through these rocks. It’s kinda refreshing to see something so politically incorrect. ;)

Oh, Rock City. It was good to see you again!

While visiting Andrew in Chattanooga, I had the privilege of hanging out with several of my blog friends. These are all women I had either met in real life many years ago or at least passed in the halls of Covenant College countless times. So I can’t say it was all that daring of a blogger meet-up. But it was a huge delight to see them in the real world and to watch their children play with Livia. The biggest thing that struck me was how beautiful these gals were in 3-D. Words and images on a screen can only do so much. They were all sweet, kind and lovely–and fun mamas to boot.
From left to right: Jocelyn of BryantChatt, Me, Moriah and baby Arianna of Please Pass the Salt, and Alli and Tebow of Always, Alli.

Livia ran around and played with all the kiddos. I think she and Fuller especially hit it off. Check out Alli’s adorable pic here.
Fun = Your papa, your favorite cousin, and a swing. Good times, pure and simple.

I had the best time with my friends Cortney and Phil and their little ones on our photo shoot. Grace was hilarious and fun; she was constantly moving and playing and showing me all the things she could do. Micah just went with the flow, and did his normal boy thing, pushing and pulling cars and trains. The evening light was magical and it was a huge privilege to hang with the Erdmans that night. Thanks for letting me into your adorable family! I love the way our shoot turned out.
And Cortney? It just ain’t right for a woman to be as gorgeous as you are. ;)

Over six years ago I walked into a split-level home I had never been in before and I became a mother. It’s not the usual spin on the process, but it was the one God had in mind for me. In that home, Livia Raine Melissa Tredway was laid in my arms and my heart was forever transformed.
Happy National Adoption Month.
To mark the next 30 days or so, my work will be on display at Indigo Bridge Books here in Lincoln, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it. Tonight is Lincoln’s First Friday Art Walk, so take a moment to swing by the Creamery Building at 7th & P Streets to enjoy some photography by yours truly—and hopefully buy a book or cup of joe from Indigo.
This laughing kid, my friend Josh, and his family are featured in my photos.