My first thought upon looking outside this morning was, Ugh, more snow! But a quick walk to the curb to drop off the recycling was all it took for me to be smitten by God’s handiwork.
It’s amazing how the snowflakes cling to every surface, coating all the trees and shrubs in furry white coats. It’s a winter wonderland. And I get to enjoy it in person this morning.
It’s enough to make a girl grateful for living in the arctic tundra.

Turns out we left our heart (Liv) in Lincoln and headed to the West Coast last Thursday. Jeremy traveled for work and the annual holiday party—and I tagged along. It was absolutely lovely to get away for awhile. We walked all over San Francisco, enjoyed a farmer’s market on the Bay, and then had an awesome evening of dinner theater on Fisherman’s Wharf. Jeremy’s coworkers are a great group of people and it was easy to enjoy our time with them.
When I can grab a few moments—that is, between removing contraband from the dog’s mouth and playing referee between him and Livia (ah, home!)—I’ll post more shots from our trip.

Or rather, “banging” the ivories.
As long as it’s cold outside and their mothers are confined to the indoors, these three mischief-makers will be playing together. The good thing is, they enjoy one another’s company. The even better thing is, their mamas do, too.
Category: Surviving Winter 2009-2010
Alright, peeps. I need help finding a good book to read. I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t really read anything since I completed the Harry Potter series back in November.
I’m looking for a really solid, suck-you-in type of story. Fiction or non, doesn’t matter.