Such is Life

Posted on Nov 16, 2009 at 9:28 PM in Uncategorized

I’ve been juggling—juggling bits and pieces of life in the air and hoping to successfully catch them all, one at a time.

I’m used to juggling motherhood, friendships and church work. And every so often I’ll pretend to do some domestic chores in order to keep everyone in clean clothes. I won’t even pretend I cooked last week, but that’s a different story and I’m trying to do better this week.

Recently I’ve begun to juggle two very cool, very exciting life bits: freelance writing and photography. This past summer I began to feel it was high time to fully pursue my gifts and talents in these areas. When I’m writing or taking photos, I feel like I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, and I delight in worshipping God through these activities. I’ve always known that “whatever you do, do it all the glory of God,” but I’m experiencing that in a very new and quite satisfying way right now. I could probably say a lot more about this line of work and how much I’m enjoying it but I won’t… at least not in this blog post.

So the juggling.

Turns out, I’m not a world class juggler. Imagine that! Or perhaps it’s just that I’m juggling too many bits and pieces at one time. That’s fine, really, because I’m in a transition stage right now and have plans for the future that will involve putting down some of the bits and settling into a less juggly-type routine. And oh, I do love routine. Consistency and comfort zones are two of my favorite things. Apparently, juggling is not.

But you must excuse me, I see that laundry in the air and I’m contemplating tossing up some freelance writing work as well. That amount of juggling I can handle.


  1. christine Nov 16, 2009 10:35 PM

    i love you. now get to work!

  2. Joanna Nov 17, 2009 8:35 AM

    Wow, that sounds so exciting! I’ve been doing some academic writing and other bits and pieces, and the juggling is hard. Totally couldn’t do it without my DH picking up some of the balls that I drop. Like, he’s pretty much taken over the laundry since we had our twins. And I don’t remember the last time I “deep cleaned” the house.

    But I’m really excited for you. It’s so good to develop your gifts when you have that chance.

  3. Kerri Nov 17, 2009 12:08 PM

    So excited for you! Can’t wait to see how you and God will be working in and through this.

  4. Renae Nov 17, 2009 7:01 PM

    Ah, I was afraid that this was going to include an “I’m not blogging” statement. Phew! So excited for the new happenings.

  5. Aubrey Nov 18, 2009 10:46 AM

    I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you are doing just what God has called you to do. I think that is why I love medicine as much as I do – I do feel that I can do it to God’s glory, and feel like I’m using my gifts in a way that brings glory to him. Hopefully.

  6. Clare Nov 19, 2009 7:49 PM

    Do you think you will be adding on the juggling ball of the Decemeber Photo Project this year?

  7. RT Nov 19, 2009 9:27 PM


    Stay tuned, Clare… : )

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