Yesterday we had gorgeous 60 degree weather—perfect weather to take the kids to the park. And just so everyone knows, that second kid pictured actually belongs to Renae. (Simon tends to show up here from time to time simply because of our close proximity as neighbors and dear friends.)
Once again our family is participating in the Lincoln Safari, whose motto is “Healthy Families Play Outside!” The Safari is something of an introduction to our hometown as it has us visiting parks and various locations we’ve never seen before. Yesterday I took my decidedly unhealthy child to two neighborhood parks in north Lincoln. The second park involved quite a walk and I questioned my sanity—and wondered whether I could haul my 45 lb child back to the car if she was totally pooped out. But our imaginations helped us out as we became great adventurers and braved a raging river (an empty culvert) and explored some magic trees (evergreen). Liv never protested the walk and we had a great afternoon outside.
Lindsey Feb 26, 2009 2:08 PM
Which park did you go to? I grew up going to Interstate Park and having a fantastic time exploring the trees, riding my bike on the biggest hill known to mankind (and in later years discovered it to be merely a small incline),and occasionally playing on the playground. Good times.
Rebecca Feb 26, 2009 8:32 PM
For the Safari we went to UPCO Park and the park just west of Mickle Middle School.
How exactly does one get to Interstate Park?
christina Feb 27, 2009 3:14 PM
Good to see you are doing the safari! I have maps/books for those people that may want to register. Healthy Families Play Outside is the network that puts together Lincoln Safari.
Lindsey Feb 27, 2009 11:30 PM
Pardon me, the official name is Max E. Roper Interstate Park. It’s pretty gigantic, and is about I-80 and Superior, so off of Cornhusker Hwy, go north on N. 1st, and then east on Fairfield and you run into it. It also has a disc golf course and bike trails in addition to playground. Ahh, memories. :)