The Plague

Posted on Jan 21, 2008 at 9:58 AM in Uncategorized

All three of us were stricken this weekend by what I can only assume was the Plague. The Plague has hit almost everyone we know this winter… Many of the Lawtons over Christmas. Livia’s preschool two weeks ago. Friends, friends and more friends. And finally, the Tredways.

The benefit, as far I can tell, about all of us getting sick at once is that we get it over with. The drawback is that both Jeremy and I were exceedingly worn out at exactly the same time and it was all we could do to walk up and down stairs, much less care for Livia, who wasn’t quite as sick as we were. The climax of our exhaustion came last night when we needed to put sheets on Liv’s mattress and get our wound-up daughter to bed. Amid my 100.8 and his 101.9 degree fevers, the task looked something like climbing Everest. Totally impossible. Yet somehow it happened successfully. Bitty Boo slept 12 hours straight and Jeremy and I slept hard as well.

Today we’re dining on Gatorade, toast and bananas. (Thanks again, Dad, for the groceries.) Surely tomorrow will be an even better day with a little peanut butter thrown in for good measure.


  1. Haley Jan 21, 2008 10:18 AM

    Oh, Becca, I sympathize. I got the plague this weekend as well, and there’s no telling where I got it, since it seemed like every person I came into contact with for the last two weeks was sick. I knew I was going to catch something, and of course, I did. It sounds like our plagues was pretty minor compared to yours though. I wave my Kleenex in your direction and wish you all a speedy continued recovery.

  2. Jamie Jan 21, 2008 11:48 AM

    Your mom told me about the plague last night at the missions meeting — how AWFUL! :P Let us know if you need more of anything..

  3. Jacinda Jan 21, 2008 2:47 PM

    Hope you all feel better soon.

  4. Sarah M Jan 21, 2008 9:26 PM

    I tried e-mailing you a reply and it didn’t work, is there another address I could use? Thanks for writing to me, what a small world, indeed!

  5. Kristin Jan 22, 2008 3:55 PM

    I’m so, so sorry that you all had to endure that at the same time. It was bad enough at our house over Christmas when we had it consecutively. Concurrent bouts of the Plague just seems cruel. :(

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