The December Photo Project begins tomorrow!
I suppose this means I should remember to take my camera with me when I leave the house. If not, I imagine the blog will be subjected to late-night shots of my Walmart Christmas tree.
So far the DPP challenge has been picked up by women only. Any men dare to join up? Any last-minute takers? Tomorrow the fun begins.

My friend Erin Wood creates and sells these adorable bears and burp cloths. I think it’s a perfect Christmas (or shower) gift for a new baby. Erin is relying on word-of-mouth advertising–and I want to help her out in any way possible. Afterall, she was the coolest RA at Covenant College during my time there.
The December Photo Project is back for the third year!
Come one, come all. Grab your cameras and join me in a photography challenge for the first 25 days of December. Snap a picture each day and show the world what you’re looking at! Drop a comment on the Prairie Box or email me privately, and we’ll list your blog under a DPP heading off to the right once December rolls around.
The excitement begins December 1. Join us! (And stayed tuned for more info about a Flickr Pool…)
**Bounced back to the top of the blog for now.
Pushing my shopping cart outside of Target this morning, I hit a few big bumps, jostled some very hot Starbucks Christmas Blend all over my purse and gloves, and yelled something to the tune of, “Oh crap! The coffee!”
“Cap?” my little pitcher asked.
“Mmm, the coffee cap–you know, the lid?–came off.” My brain was so frazzled that my deceptive explanation actually made sense at the time. Only now that I’m typing it out I realize that the “caps” didn’t come off; coffee just blasted through the drink openings.
After we were settled in the car, with the heater cranked up, I heard Livia quietly explain some other cussing options from her carseat, “You could say ‘Oh stupid!’ or ‘Boogers!'”
Was it the fish food-covered poop in the bathroom? (Don’t ask.)
Or was it the chocolate-scented chapstick applied to the Christmas tree? (“I’m just pretending, Mom!”)
Perhaps it was the “talk to the hand” gesture sent in my direction not once, but twice at the dinner table. (She truly didn’t understand what she was doing with that one.)
Or maybe it was the umpteenth time in a day where I cleaned up spilled water.
Whatever it was, I am a tired mama tonight. Where’s a little Bailey’s when a girl needs it?

A few friends wondered if we were growing a beanstalk in our front yard. Though our young catalpa tree certainly has been through an awkward stage–all leggy with enormous leaves–it truly is a tree and not a beanstalk. And because I’m obsessed with close-up shots, here ’tis, the wee catalpa in all its winter glory.

Monday it was toasty warm outside and I believe a new record high temperature was set.
Wednesday it snowed. And my daughter played. I admit I prefer to watch her play during the toasty warm rather than freezing cold; I’m a lam-o adult that way. What I love about kids is that they just don’t care how cold it is when snow is present. Within two seconds of getting out, Liv was all over that snowfall, and made beautiful snow angels like they were going out of style.
I’m crazy about this kid.

* Peter Pan, while highly entertaining, definitely shows its age when it comes to socially inappropriate terms. the song “What Made the Red Man Red” made both Jeremy and me both cringe in horror.
* A Thanksgiving book my mom gave Livia does a much better job with terminology… as in, “Squanto was a Native American.
* Final note on socially appropriate terms. The other day I read of some Hollywood woman and how her family includes “a son, Matt, and an adopted son, Joe.” Uh, hello? A son is a son is a son. There should be no distinction between how a son came to be a son. I feel pretty fiercely about this topic and I’ve been surprised at how inconsiderate some folks are in regards to adoption. By all means, let’s talk about the ins and outs of adoption, but thinking before speaking is definitely advised. People commonly ask me questions about Livia’s mom without realizing what they’re saying. For the record, I’m Livia’s mom. We call the mom of her birth quite simply, the birthmom.
* Is the phrase “politically correct” still widely used? I don’t think the points above fall under the politically correct label, so I used other terms instead.
* I planned to write a post on observations, and it turned into a mini-rant on terminology instead. I get kind of wound up about adoption–but only because it’s so near and dear to me. Read this article on the topic… It warms my heart!
Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe.
My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Comedy, drama, education, not to mention the ultimate reality show experience–this show’s got something for everyone.
My favorite Mike Rowe quote so far came after he crawled out of a shark cage where he was up close and personal with a few great whites. The ship captain asks if Mike was scared at all and Mike replies, “Only literally and metaphorically.” Excellent.