Monday’s Diagnoses

Posted on May 2, 2007 at 5:06 PM in Uncategorized

I had already been checked, and received a big fat Postive. Now it was Livia’s turn.

“She keeps saying she’s tired, but I thought that was a phase. Oh, and she’s always thirsty.”

“Is she waking up at night?”

“Now that you mention it, she has been. But only once a night. And she always goes back to sleep.”

“Has her appetite changed recently?”

“She hasn’t been very hungry. I guess I thought that was a phase, too…”

“Any loose stools?”

“‘Yes’ would be an understatement.”

And the truth begins to sink in… lots of seemingly unconnected symptoms, the pediatrician connects the dots, the throat is swabbed and BINGO! the Tredways have won the strep throat contest for the week. Already we’re feeling better. Thank you, God, for antibiotics.


  1. Haley May 3, 2007 12:17 PM

    Oh, yuck. I absolutely hate strep throat. I hope you and Livia feel better soon. Lots of popsicles are called for, I say.

  2. Bethany May 3, 2007 12:37 PM

    When I started reading, and you were saying how she’s always thirsty, I thought you were going to say you found out that Livia is diabetic! I’m glad to hear it’s only strep throat…not that strep throat is really “only,” but comparatively, it’s probably better news to hear about your little one.

    I hope everyone in your household is feeling better again soon!

  3. RT May 3, 2007 2:12 PM

    B, the very thought of Liv having diabetes makes my heart stop (and believe me, I’ve thought about it because I am a crazy anxious person sometimes). And yet, I know another mom with diabetes whose own son developed it last year. Bring on the strep, I say. Sorry to scare you!

    I think the hardest thing about being a mom is that you know your child will inevitably suffer at some point in his/her life. God is with us in the suffering, and I know Liv will have to make her own way in this world, but I still want to keep her safe at all times…

  4. floreksa May 3, 2007 2:14 PM

    Ooooh, breathing deeply. I too, was terrified to read on thinking that Liv was running high.

    Whew, but YAY on it “only” being strep throat!

  5. RT May 3, 2007 3:10 PM

    I totally wasn’t thinking diabetes at all! Sorry to scare you guys. : /

  6. Jacinda May 6, 2007 12:39 AM

    I must admit that I thought diabetes too. I’m pretty sure Torrin will get it at some point. His dad has it, and so did his dad’s mom…both of whom were/are also penicillin-allergic. Well, guess who else is allergic to penicillin…my little Torrin man. Not that being allergic to penicillin is linked to diabetes at all…but it’s another shared health trait between the three of them. :(

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