The Allens are now back home with Amelia after her second round of chemotherapy. It still seems surreal to me that Steve and Jen are engaging in such a tremendous battle over the health of their baby girl. I suppose it would feel more “real” if I could take them a meal or help them with rides for relatives to and from the airport. From here, from 500 miles away, I pray for them. Their posts of late have been incredibly encouraging and we are filled with hope for sweet little Amelia.
Renae Apr 27, 2007 5:42 PM
I just love this photo! I have a small one on my blog so that I can think of her everyday when I log on, but it’s ever so much better in big size.
We don’t know the Allens personally, but my husband Clay is in classes with him at the seminary. I think we feel a special pull toward praying for Amelia because Clay had leukemia himself back in the 1970’s. Back then, his type had a 50/50 survival rate, and now it’s up to, I think, 80 or 90 percent for his type (ALL), so the treatments have come a long way, which gives us good hope for Amelia, even though her type is different.
I read your blog every so often, although I don’t remember how I first ran across it, and I enjoy your photos and stories about your daughter… finding the joy in every-day motherhood.
Cheers, and Blessings!
RT May 3, 2007 2:26 PM
It’s nice to “meet” you, Renae! Thanks for commenting… and for all your prayers and support for our mutual friends.