Butternut squash soup sounds perfect for fall, right? The soup should have been delightful — thick, buttery and creamy, not difficult to make, and healthy to boot. I suppose my heart wanted to love this soup, but my tastebuds just didn’t agree the the sweet squash flavor. Though I tried to get past the odd taste, I couldn’t do it. Jeremy and I both agreed this soup is best eaten in small amounts. However, a boatload of folks over at AllRecipes.com disagreed and this recipe has received rave reviews.
6 tablespoons chopped onion
4 tablespoons margarine
6 cups peeled and cubed butternut squash
3 cups water
4 cubes chicken bouillon
1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese
In a large saucepan, saute onions in margarine until tender. Add squash, water, bouillon, marjoram, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Bring to boil; cook 20 minutes, or until squash is tender.
Puree squash and cream cheese in a blender or food processor in batches until smooth. Return to saucepan, and heat through. Do not allow to boil.
**I substituted minced dried onion for the real thing and included only one package of cream cheese, per others’ recommendations.
Me: Cadence, you need to share the toys. Who says it’s good for you to share?
Cadence: Mommy.
Me: And God.
Cadence: And Santa.
Me: Um…Yeah…
One year ago she looked like this…

And now she looks like this…

Happy year and a half to my big girl Livia! We’re having so much fun with you these days. You are growing and changing so quickly, and yet you’re still our sweet baby girl. We love you!
Go to the Cookie Company in the lower level of Gateway Mall (or Gateway Westfield Shopping Town or whatever you want to call it). The cookies are one dollar each and are huge. Iced ginger is my favorite.
I’ve been to the newly renovated mall twice in two days—a record for me! Our family met Grandma Tredway and Auntie Bean there last night for part of the grand opening festivities. Despite the chaotic, shoving crowds of the Friday night opener, Sunday night proved more peaceful and definitely less crowded due, in no small part I’m sure, to a $5 entry fee (given to charity). We entered contests for shopping sprees, picked up free Cokes for sampling, listened to the very fun, very talented String Beans (more on them later), ate in the new foodcourt, and did some very serious shopping. The special sales were unbelievable; one lucky family member of mine will be the Christmas recepient of a $44 shirt marked down to $19—beautiful.
I felt greatly encouraged today by the TEAM Mom program at my church. For a mere $5 fee, I experienced renewal from teachings from the Word of God, babysitting for the wee one, friendship of great women, and a delicious brunch — can’t beat that! I learned this morning that I need more encouragement in my life, more heroes to look up to, higher goals to aspire to. In so many ways I’ve become complacent — in my spiritual life in Christ, in my marriage, in my parenting, in my interactions with friends and strangers alike, in my day to day living. I want to be a better woman, and I’m grateful for people like Kerri K., Carrie M., Indra B. and my mom who push me to follow God’s truths.
Here’s a quote worth considering taken from a handout this morning:
Marriage requires a radical committment to love our spouses as they are, while longing for them to become what they are not yet. Every marriage moves either toward enhancing one another’s glory or toward degrading each other.
– Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III

We have been friends together,
In sunshine and in shade;
Since first beneath the chestnut-trees
In infancy we played…
We Have Been Friends Together, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton (1808–77)
Livia: Ma-Ma.
Jeremy: I’m Daddy.
Livia: Ma-Ma! Ma-Ma!
Jeremy: Da-Dee.
Livia: Ma-Ma!
Jeremy: Da-Dee. [pause] Can you say “Daddy?”
Livia: Daddy.