I must say it made me curious whether my own ill-tempered and unsocial cat (who my family describes as hating me the least) would in fact allow such a thing. She likes to be on top of anything crinkly (paper, plastic bags, etc.), but it never occurred to me to try putting something of weight on her. I attempted it with a book, and I think it actually made her more – for lack of a better word – serene! Ha!
1 Comment
Kate G. Jul 22, 2005 10:06 AM
Ha! I did enjoy that cat site.
I must say it made me curious whether my own ill-tempered and unsocial cat (who my family describes as hating me the least) would in fact allow such a thing. She likes to be on top of anything crinkly (paper, plastic bags, etc.), but it never occurred to me to try putting something of weight on her. I attempted it with a book, and I think it actually made her more – for lack of a better word – serene! Ha!