The sunflower heads bloomed a few weeks ago and now we can admire the lovely and enormous flowers in a new way. The tallest one’s head is so large that the body is bent underneath it somewhat like a geriatric case of sunflower scoliosis. (It’s a virtual planetoid!) The rest of the garden is faring decently, though I’m sure a few more hot August days would be perfect for the tomatoes. We’ve been having the most beautiful fall-like weather Temps in the 70’s, sometimes going down to the 40’s at night. It’s been a very, very unusual Nebraska summer.

Yesterday we joined some friends at Mahoney State Park. It was a great opportunity to get out of Lincoln and enjoy being together as a family First we strapped on the Baby Bjorn and climbed the observation tower to enjoy lush views of the rolling hills near the Platte River. My knees began to buckle a bit halfway up the tower but I told Livia that her mom’s not a weenie and thus ignored my shaky, heights-fearing innards. I couldn’t help but chuckle empathetically at this young couple on the top of the tower The girl was really nervous and wouldn’t step foot any closer to the railed edge. The edge is fairly unnerving, as the floor is made of metal links and you can see straight through to the ground, however many feet below.
After checking out the landscape, we popped Livia into her stroller and walked around the Butterfly Garden (presumably more interesting in early summer), the James Conservatory and wandered various foothpaths and bridges. Mahoney is a family placeperfect for kids a little older than Livia. You got the swimming pool and waterslides, the marina and paddleboats, horseback riding and carriage rides, and a fairly new activity center. Wintertime (and snow) sees sleigh rides at Mahoney. Hmmm Romantic birthday outing, perhaps? With the start of the Olympics and our out-of-town afternoon, the weekend was quite enjoyable.
charity Aug 16, 2004 12:02 PM
that is one of my favorite scenes from that movie. it’s quoted often!
Sarah B. Aug 16, 2004 8:07 PM
Now that’s a movie I can jump right in and start quoting with you! “I’m not kiddin, that kid’s head is huge! It’s like an orange on a toothpick! Head, down now!” Although I was quite sad I couldn’t listen to the sound bite on your blog because of mercilessly slow modem!!
christina Aug 16, 2004 10:59 PM
I love the photos on your site! Mahoney sounds like a great place to play–I’m sure Livia loved it too.:)
Rebecca Aug 16, 2004 11:13 PM
Hey, Christina — welcome! Sarah & CT, apparently this quotable flick is a generational thing… Lynn and Jim thought it was pretty weird! : )
sarah Aug 17, 2004 2:51 PM
i love that flick! very quoteable…”she stole my heart and my cat…”
elder brudder Aug 26, 2004 9:45 AM
i’ve never seen it. it’s funny then? the movie, not the park.