Pains and Pangs

Posted on Jul 29, 2004 at 10:53 PM in Uncategorized

I’m in the midst of a transition from part-time administrative assistant to full-time homemaker. First I must say that I LOVE MY DAUGHTER, she’s my joy and delight and I’m incredibly blessed to spend my days with her. Nonetheless, this transition is a bit of a challenge and it’s pulling on my heart some tonight. Tonight I began missing my office. I miss the daily discussions with my coworkers. I miss knowing what’s going on both within the office and within the church. I miss the satisfaction of working five hours each day and mentally calculating my monetary earnings. I miss the organization (don’t laugh, the Zion office does have *some* organization!) of my desk, this posted here and that filed there. I just miss it. My home right now feels like the opposite of my sentimental office longings… There’s baby stuff, Becca stuff, Jeremy stuff everywhere. Here stuff, there stuff, everywhere stuff-stuff. Old McTredway had a house—E-I-E-I-O. My tasks seem never-ending and unrewarding at times. What? Another dish is dirty? Didn’t I just wash that dish??? Huh? A bag of Doritos in the bathroom and baby socks on the stairs? How’d they get there? When Jeremy comes home at the end of the day and I try to give him a synopsis of my doings, I’m left with very little to talk about. The mental calculations add up to: fed Livia, diapered Livia and generally kept Livia happy. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE LIVIA and would sacrifice my body to wild wolves in order to keep her tummy full, bottom clean and a smile on her adorable face. That’s not the point. The point is that I’m experiencing some change in my life and I’ve never been one to eagerly embrace change. I miss the office. Things just seemed easier there.


  1. sarah Jul 29, 2004 11:40 PM

    not to mention the excitement of witnessing random wrestling matches, like the one i saw when i stopped by today…hehe…thrilling stuff is going on at that office, i don’t blame you for missing it.

  2. rebecca Jul 30, 2004 8:56 AM

    oh yes. the random wrestling match was just icing on the cake! (or something like that…)

  3. keith Jul 30, 2004 2:26 PM

    Keep your priorities straight:
    1) blog
    2) baby and husband
    3) blockbuster netflix deal
    4) dishes and housework

    That’s my secret, and I’m happy to share it.

  4. rebecca Jul 30, 2004 2:31 PM

    thanks, keith! i’m going to post that priority list all around the house… or maybe just on my baby’s forehead — i seem to be looking at her most of the day anyhow!

  5. bobw Jul 30, 2004 4:04 PM

    michelle had a hard time adjusting to life at home, but then again she was home first because she had a chronic illness (see, it can always be worse). yes it was frustrating at first and she would wonder what the heck she was doing with her life. and it was hard.

    but God is faithful. He’s shown her what He has for her at home. quite different, yes. and very good.

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