In Pictures… Tuesday

The first fruit of Brandywine was picked yesterday, a gorgeously green zucchini! Our zucchini plants have grown like crazy and we’ve been discussing all the different ways we’ll be eating this squash come August. The cucumbers are doing well—there are half inch baby cucs all over the vines now. The peppers, who started off first in the garden race to fruition, are finally flowering and I assume teeny peppers will come along next. And all tomato bushes are growing up nicely.

See Brook with first zucchini. See Andrew being Andrew. Imagine life with such entertaining people! Never a dull moment…

And finally, Mr. Calvin Baker, Cutie Patootie Extraordinaire! This kid’s got the cutest eyebrows and cheeks ever. After tiring of Jeremy’s lap, he attempted to viciously attack tupperware containers and lids on my kitchen floor. Ah, the noise of plastic slamming on the linoleum floor! Who would’ve thought such a thing could be so exciting?
andrew Jun 23, 2004 11:15 AM
that’s not me! i don’t look like that in real life do i?
andrew Jun 23, 2004 11:23 AM
you must have used photoshop and manipulated my normal looking face into that monstrosity!
rebecca Jun 23, 2004 11:25 AM
i knew we lawtons could have big mouths, but really…! how’d ya get yer trap open that far?
adam Jun 23, 2004 11:36 AM
is brandywine whut ya’ve named yer residence? cuz… the teetotalin’ lawtons might not approve of a place named after “brandy” an’ “wine”, y’know.
Renae Jun 23, 2004 11:54 AM
We have zucchinni?!? I say “we” hoping no one will invoke the Little Red Hen (you didn’t help me plant the wheat…). I missed the fun! :( Though I shouldn’t complain since I was having fun of my own–getting drooled on and thrown up on by Kasey’s kiddos. :)
charity Jun 23, 2004 12:42 PM
those are some awesome pics! and drew, yes, that is you. :)
rebecca Jun 23, 2004 1:42 PM
adam, haven’t you read my other posts? “brandywine” is the name of our little community garden (the grand girls and tredways affectionately call our homes “the shire”). : ) and yup, nae, you’ve got zucchini! getting drooled and thrown up on definitely has it’s merits… you missed nada, expect for a fabulous showing of band of brothers, part 3.
andrew Jun 23, 2004 3:50 PM
i think i look like edgar from ‘Men in Black’. the skin on my face looks like it’s falling off.
dang this low-carbohydrate world i live in.